Ini tiati ves

Workforce Development & Education Investment

The Goal

As community partners across 8 rural counties in New York State, we support building supportive ecosystems for skills training, innovative educational programs, workforce readiness and job placement.

The Opportunity

The Southern Tier is known for having a skilled, dedicated, and a hardworking workforce in many sectors including manufacturing, transportation, medical, and engineering to name a few.

Our Southern Tier 8 team has also been working with partners and organizations throughout all 8 counties to help develop and support the SUD Recovery-to-Work workforce, which is an impending part of the times we live in and critical to continually grow our workforce. We are commited to help individuals in recovery and business come together with the proper training so both can benefit and grow now and in the years to come.   

In the words of Steve Smik, CEO of Performance Bridge Media “I choose to develop in Broome because I look for the type of individuals and the work ethic that comes from this area. This workforce is so hardworking. I look to find individuals with potential and willingness to learn. My employees are dedicated and love the area which is why I don’t have turnovers. And in turn, this is a great service to my regional, national, and international clients for they get to experience a sense of continuity with our account managers.”