ARC Opportunities

Southern Tier 8 Regional Board is the Local Development District (LDD) for the Appalachian Regional Commission (ARC).   ARC will invest in nonprofits, municipalities, education, and public entities in the Southern Tier that support their regional community & economic development goals.  

>> Southern Tier 8's Information Sessions for the FY 2025 ARC Area Development Grant Opportunites will begin in the Spring of 2025 (March - April) Topics:  Collaborative Partnerships,  Budgets, Performance Measures & Sustainability, please REGISTER HERE to get on our mailing list!


Want to learn more about ARC's Community & Economic Development Goals?

Review the ARC Strategic Plan & NY Program Strategies and consider how your new (or expanding) project supports ARC’s Investment Goals.

What is ARC?

The Appalachian Regional Commission (ARC) is a regional economic development agency that represents a partnership of federal, state and local government. Established by an act of Congress in 1965, ARC is composed of the governors of the 13 Appalachian states and a federal co-chair, who is appointed by the president. New York State Department of State serves as the state partner for this federal investment opportunity. Local participation is provided through multi-county local development districts (LDDs). Southern Tier 8 is the Region’s Local Development District for the 8 counties of  Broome, Chenango, Cortland, Delaware, Otsego, Schoharie, Tioga and Tompkins.

ARC invests in projects that support their current investment goals.

Goal 1: Building Appalachian Businesses
Strengthen and diversify the Region's economy through inclusive economic development strategies and investments in entrepreneurship and business development. 

Goal 2: Building Appalachia's Workforce Ecosystem
Expand and strengthen community systems (education, healthcare, housing, childcare, and others) that help Appalachians obtain a job, stay on the job, and advance along a financially sustaining career parthway. 

Goal 3: Building Appalachia's Infrastructure
Ensure that the residents and businesses of Appalachia have access to reliable, affordable, resilient, and engery efficient utilities and infrastructure in order to successsfully live and work in the Region. 

Goal 4: Building Regional Culture and Tourism
Strengthen Appalachia’s community and economic development potential by perserving and investing in the Region's local cultural heritage and natural assets. (NOTE: ARC may have limited 2023 investments in this goal area).

Goal 5: Building Community Leaders and Capacity
Invest in the capacity of local leaders, organizations, and communities to address local challenges by providing technical assistance and support to access resources, engage partners, identify strategies and tactics, and conduct effective planning and project execution. 


Electronic Code of Federal Regulations (2 CFR Part 200)

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NYS DOS Investment Strategies

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Grant Information Session for Area Development FY2022

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ARC Strategic Plan

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