Project Development & Technical Assistance with Economic Development Administration investments

Program: Project Development & Technical Assistance with Economic Development Administration investments

8 Counties Served:

Broome /
Chenango /
Cortland /
Delaware /
Otsego /
Schoharie /
Tioga /

3 Initiatives Served:

Economic Development & Domestic Manufacturing /
Workforce Development & Education Investment /
Critical Infrastructure Adaptation & Expansion

What it is.

Southern Tier 8 serves as the Economic Development District for the US Commerce Economic Development Administration to develop, maintain and implement economic development goals in the Region's Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy (CEDS)

The Southern Tier 8 team will also assist applicants with questions about program development, partner engagement, grant writing, match, support requirements and budgets for non-profits and municipalities with EDA Public Works & Economic Adjustment, EDA SPRINT, EDA STEM, EDA Coronavirus Aid Relief & Economic Security.

What it accomplishes.

Project development & EDA investment in all 8 counties.  Prior Investment Impact is noted in the Region's Return on Investment.