Southern Tier 8 Regional Board is seeking an experienced economic development consultant to work with economic development and community planning teams across rural Upstate New York to develop an online Opportunity Zone platform, promoting investment in 19 federally designated Opportunity Zone areas.
Please reply with an electronic letter proposal to [email protected] by Tuesday July 21, 2020 4pm.
Southern Tier 8 Regional Board is a government agency that provides technical support, project development assistance and grant writing services to 8 counties in New York. The Board serves as the Local Development District for the Appalachian Regional Commission and Economic Development District for the US Department of Commerce’s Economic Development Administration.
The Southern Tier’s 5-year plan is defined in the 2018 Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy, see .
The main goal of this project is to promote investment opportunity across the 8-County Region. The staff is seeking a proposal that offers the following deliverables, based on 2 phases of development:
Phase 1:
- Workforce Training offered for 8 County economic development and planning teams
- Opportunity Zone guidance/resource developed
- Inventory of additional Local and State incentives developed
- Unique geographic advantages &/or assets defined (industry, education, lifestyle, support teams) within the 19 designated opportunity zones (reference region’s CEDS).
- Demographics & Geography (proximity to Market) of 19 Opportunity Zones defined
- Inventory of potential investors & additional partners defined (public and private sector)
- Mission statement (roles) drafted for the economic development and community planning teams
Phase 2:
- Develop outreach plan for additional partners & potential investors
- Develop inventory of development sites
- Develop regional project portfolio in collaboration with organization’s upcoming regional portal (Contact Director of Development: Peter Hoffman [email protected]
Phase 3:
- Content maintenance with huestudios to promote use of portfolio & evaluate success
Southern Tier 8 would like to complete:
Phase 1 by December 31, 2020
Phase 2 by September 30, 2021
Phase 3 by September 30, 2022
Southern Tier 8 is seeking a reasonable budget proposal for these efforts in 3 phases. Following selection and approval, it will be necessary to stay in accordance with a final approved budget.
Southern Tier 8’s criteria will include the consultant’s ability to share their enthusiasm and relevant experience in pursuing this effort. A short list of references should be included in the proposal letter with an understanding of the developing similar programs. The selection committee will review related experience, a proposed timeline, budget per phase, and approach to this regional economic development effort.
Notice of selection will be delivered by August 4, 2020.