Southern Tier 8 Regional Board is looking to update its educational and advertisement videos for the Broome-Tioga Stormwater Coalition’s (BTSC) public engagement campaign: Water from Rain (WFR).
The goal associated with the Water from Rain educational video is to make, depending on budget, one 30-second infographic video, and one 90-second infographic video to educate community members on methods for keeping stormwater clean. Video content would include topics such as the following:
Overview: How does stormwater affect us?
Stormwater runoff is one of the most significant, yet unnoticed sources of water pollution.
When it rains, stormwater runs over yards, streets, roads, highways, parking lots, parks, and playgrounds, carrying everything in its path, including debris and pollutants. This water eventually flows into storm drains, which don't have any type of water treatment and end up in our streams, lakes, and rivers.
Many stormwater contaminants are made up of common items used by most of us such as fertilizers, car oils and grease, yard clippings, soil, and pet wastes. There are simple and not costly changes that you can make in your daily life that can help to prevent stormwater pollution affect in your life and community.
Your car: Stormwater from one square mile of roads and parking lots can yield approximately 20,000 gallons of residual oil per year.
Regular car maintenance prevents leaking automotive fluid.
Take your car to a commercial car wash where the used water is captured, recycled and/or filtered to remove pollutants.
If washing your car at home, do it on grass or gravel because it will soak up the waste.
Recycle used motor oil.
Your Yard: Help prevent yard pollutants and debris from entering the stormwater system.
Use fertilizer sparingly or not at all.
Mulch as you mow and leave grass clippings on lawn to naturally fertilize.
If possible, compost leaves and yard waste.
Native plants like to grow in your yard, and do not take much work or water to flourish.
Keep natural vegetation alongside streams and ponds to trap excess fertilizers and sediment before they can reach the waterbody.
Your pet: A typical dog excretes ¾ of a pound of waste containing 7.82 billion fecal coliform bacteria each day.
Pick up after your pet every single time.
Do not dump waste in the street or storm drain, through away in garbage or flush down the toilet.
Carry extra bags in your car, so you are prepared when you travel with your pet.
Where available, use provided waste bags.
Your waste: Cigarette butts, which can contain 165 toxic chemicals, are the most littered item in our waste stream. Worldwide, 4.3 trillion are littered annually.
Storm drains are for rainwater only and dumping into it is illegal.
If you see someone dumping waste onto your street surface, please contact your local code enforcement officer.
Take note of storm drain markers in your neighborhood, they are everywhere.
When discarding oil, cleaners, chemicals, visit your county’s waste management website for locations, educational information about programs and best management practices.
Your runoff: Green Infrastructure systems help control stormwater by removing pollutants and reducing the amount of waste that ends up in local waterbodies.
As your stormwater runoff leaves your property, it collects pollutants including trash, oil, pesticides, fertilizers, and more. Those pollutants may then end up in nearby lakes, rivers, and streams where people swim, fish, play and draw drinking water, or in local sewer systems where more problems can arise.
Apply the tips above in your everyday life and keep an eye out for storm water drains throughout our area. Each drain is marked with the medallion.
Please pledge your support to protect storm water run-off and share this website with your friends.
The 30-second video is intended to be used on local television advertising to both educate the public and bring traffic to the Water from Rain website. The 90-second video is to be hosted on our website and shared on social media for education and stormwater management best practices.
For more information about Water From Rain visit, and for more information about Broome-Tioga Stormwater Coalition visit . Imaging and other messaging will be provided upon approval of proposal.
Southern Tier 8 Regional Board is seeking reasonable budget proposals for this initiative. Cost should not exceed $10,000. Please break down the cost for each initiative (30-second video and 90-second video). Following selection and approval, it will be necessary to stay in accordance with the final approved budget.
Consultant Selection
Southern Tier 8 Regional Board's criteria will include the consultant's ability to share their understanding of the requested video development and relevant experience in pursuing this effort. A short list of references and former relevant work descriptions should be included in the proposal letter. An understanding of the Broome-Tioga Stormwater Coalition project goals should also be expressed. The selection committee will review related experience, the proposed timeline, budget, and approach.
Southern Tier 8 expects a quick and timely turnaround for this project, with an estimated expected date of completion of 12 weeks from the notice of selection. The notice of selection will be delivered on February 26, 2024. Work by the awarded consultant is expected to commence shortly thereafter.
The applicant must reply to [email protected] by February 22, 2024, at 3 pm.