Rural Internet Challenges & Opportunities
Date: March 2nd 2021
2 Initiatives
Resiliency & Infrastructure Adaptation
Environmentally Sustainable Development & Climate Resilience
Please join us March 2nd to hear from broadband industry professional Bob Knight, Executive VP & COO Harrison Edwards. Bob is the co-chair for the Public Officials Committee of the Fiber Broadband Association in Washington, DC and 2021 Chairman of the Broadband Communities Summit in Houston, TX.
PLEASE NOTE: to encourage community conversations, it will not be recorded.
This event is designed to:
1. introduce the value of broadband infrastructure & the data driven economy
2. provide a simplified overview of technologies & how they work together
3. offer examples of proven solutions for community development
Co-hosted by Southern Tier Network, Southern Tier Central Regional Planning & Development Board & Southern Tier 8 Regional Board, this virtual program will be open from 5-7pm and offer time for Q&A. We welcome your registration and questions below...